Close-up image of a woman’s face showing before-and-after cosmetic treatment.
Close-up image of a woman’s face showing before-and-after cosmetic treatment.
Close-up image of a woman’s face showing before-and-after cosmetic treatment.

How Facial Rejuvenation Procedures Can Improve Aging Skin


The natural aging process can take a toll on every part of the body, including the skin. 从额头皱纹到眼窝, aging skin on the face is a common concern for many people. 科菲·博阿恩,m.s.D.,主任 面部整形和重建手术 约翰霍普金斯医学院, explains how your skin ages and which facial rejuvenation procedures might be right for you.


每个人的脸都会变老, but there are telltale signs that facial skin is losing some of its firmness and elasticity. “年轻的面孔有某些特征,Boahene解释道, 包括清晰的颈部和下颌轮廓, 公司的皮肤, 高眉毛, 短眼皮,蛋形.”

Aging usually starts in the eyelids and around the eyes. 眼睛周围的皮肤是全脸最薄的. As you age, you may notice dark circles and under-eye hollows, resulting in eyes that look sunken. 有些人还会出现眼部浮肿, drooping or excess eyelid skin or fine wrinkles at the corners of the eyes (crow’s feet). 

The fat in the face also starts to move downward, especially in the cheeks, says Boahene. The skin might look droopy around the nose, cheeks and jawline. Many people develop wrinkles, lines and folds, including deep frown lines above or around their lips. Then, fat around the jaw and neck move down and people get “jowls.” 


  • Changes in the contour of the face (lower part becomes wider, face becomes squarer)
  • 暗沉肤质
  • 大毛孔
  • 更少的定义
  • 色素变化(皮肤变色)


The skin has three layers: the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. Most age-related skin changes involve the dermis, which is the middle layer of skin. The dermis contains a lot of the substances that keep skin firm and smooth, 比如胶原蛋白, 弹力蛋白和透明质酸. Around age 35, we start to lose these substances and the skin becomes lax.

There’s also a layer of fat under the skin called subcutaneous fat, 是什么决定了你的脸的体积和轮廓. 因为皮肤失去了胶原蛋白, 弹力素和其他能使皮肤紧致的物质, 脂肪堆积在眼睑周围, cheeks, 太阳穴和下巴向下移动. As a result, the face loses its contours and it wrinkles, and lines and loose skin start to develop.

Are there ways to improve the appearance of an aging face?

You can improve the look of an aging face in a variety of ways, both nonsurgically and surgically. Some of the most common goals for facial rejuvenation include:

  • 恢复体积和面部轮廓
  • Reduce the appearance of under-eye wrinkles and hollows
  • 矫正前额皱纹和下垂的眉毛
  • 紧绷颈部和下巴周围松弛的皮肤
  • 纠正色素变化



皮下注射 are one of the most common nonsurgical treatments to help create smoother, 使面部皮肤更紧致,减少皱纹. 填充物通常含有胶原蛋白或透明质酸, two of the substances that are essential for youthful skin. Both fillers offer temporary results, but they are quick in-office procedures. “Injectables and fillers are a good first step for someone who wants to address the early signs of skin aging, 如细纹或轻度松弛的皮肤,Boahene解释道. 

面部脂肪移植, 或者脂肪转移, is a more permanent solution to drooping skin and lost facial volume. A surgeon takes fat from elsewhere in your body (usually the belly or thighs) and injects it to select areas on your face.


  • Microfat嫁接 uses fat to plump areas of the face such as the cheeks, forehead and lips.
    • Nanofat嫁接 involves processing microfat further to use for more targeted skin concerns such as:
      • 改善肤质
      • 减少黑眼圈
      • 减少细纹
      • 减少痤疮疤痕的出现


    Nanofat injections can help improve the look of fine wrinkles around the eye, 眼下凹陷. But for sagging skin or puffiness around the eyes, you may need eyelid 手术.

    也作an 眼睑提升 (blepharoplasty) or eyelid rejuvenation, this 手术 helps redefine the shape of an eye. The procedure can address problems on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both:

    • 上眼睑手术 修复眼部松弛下垂的皮肤. 这通常可以在局部麻醉下进行.
    • 下眼睑手术 改善下垂的下眼睑,减少浮肿和 眼袋,紧致多余的皮肤,抚平皱纹.

眼睑成形术(眼睑手术)| Q&A


Some injectables can smooth lines in the forehead and minimize wrinkles between the eyebrows. “These treatments might be right for people with dynamic wrinkles — fine wrinkles caused by facial expressions,Boahene说. “但一旦皱纹变得静止, 或者深深刻在你的皮肤上, you may need to consider dermal fillers or microfat grafting to fill them in.”

打针和填充物无法矫正下垂的眉毛. An 眉抬 is a more effective and permanent solution to correct sagging brows. 也叫前额提拉术, a brow lift removes excess fat and tightens skin and muscle tissue in the brow and forehead.


The most effective treatment to tighten the skin around the jaw and neck, 减少下巴的外观, is 脖子上电梯 手术. 拉颈可以使下颌轮廓更光滑、更紧实. It restores facial definition without overtightening the face or giving it a pulled appearance. 提颈术:

  • 去除面部下部和下巴下的多余脂肪
  • 收紧松弛的颈部皮肤
  • 尽量减少深邃的笑纹



Skin discoloration may be corrected with effective skin care products, 化学换肤或激光治疗.

How do I maintain a youthful face after a cosmetic procedure?


  • 远离太阳; Protect your face from sun exposure by wearing sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, 外出时戴太阳镜和宽边帽.
  • 建立护肤习惯: 使用含有抗氧化剂的面部产品,比如维生素C. Antioxidants help remove free radicals that damage the skin. Apply products as instructed to make sure they are maximally absorbed.
  • 按照医生的建议补妆: Some people need touch-ups after facial rejuvenation procedures. Discuss with your doctor how long the effects of your facial rejuvenation procedure may last and when to consider a touch-up.

研讨会 挽救颜面:帮助更新老化皮肤的建议

Age-related changes to the face don’t have to be noticeable. Learn about surgical and nonsurgical options to address signs of aging from Dr. 科菲Boahene.

