

Discovering that you’re pregnant is an exciting and joyous time, 充满了对宝宝未来的计划和期待. It can also be a time filled with questions and concerns — pregnancy leads to many changes in your body as your fetus grows. 所有这些变化, it’s important to stay healthy and work with your physician to find what works best for your individual pregnancy.

在本节中, our experts provide general guidelines for staying healthy during pregnancy and what you can expect throughout your three trimesters.


A healthy first trimester is crucial to your baby’s development. 你可能还没有在外面表现得很好, 但在内心深处, 宝宝的主要身体器官和系统正在形成.



的 second trimester marks a turning point for you and your baby. You will likely start to feel better as physical symptoms more common during the first trimester, 比如恶心和晨吐, 开始消退, 你会开始更多地显示出怀孕的迹象. Your baby has developed all of its organs and systems, and will begin growing in length and weight.



的 third trimester marks the home stretch, as you prepare for the delivery of your baby. 宝宝的身高和体重会继续增长.



你的医疗保健提供者可能会推荐各种各样的测试, screenings and imaging throughout the three trimesters of your pregnancy.



重要的是 learn the best foods for a healthy pregnancy, 哪些食物应该避免, 最好的维生素和矿物质补充剂.



有规律的锻炼, 在你的医疗保健提供者的批准下, can help reduce physical discomforts from pregnancy and help with postpartum recovery.



In most cases, pregnant women can travel safely until close to their due dates. But travel may 不 be recommended for women who have pregnancy complications. 如果你正在计划旅行,和你的产科医生谈谈. And no matter how you choose to travel, think ahead about your comfort and safety. 最好的旅行时间是怀孕中期(14-28周). 在这几周里, 你的能量回来了, 晨吐改善或消失, 你仍然可以很容易地四处走动. After 28 weeks, it may be harder to move around or sit for a long time. 的 American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends these tips for 孕期旅行.



有一定的医疗条件, 无论是先前存在的还是在怀孕期间形成的, 这可能会引起并发症. Your health care provider will be able to help you manage these complications.



如果你得了感冒或流感, it is OK to treat the symptoms with medications that are safe to use during pregnancy. 你不必治疗鼻塞或咳嗽, 但如果你发烧了,治疗是很重要的. 在怀孕的前三个月发烧是非常危险的. 出于这个原因, your provider will typically also recommend against raising your core temperature with activities such as hot yoga, 按摩浴缸或桑拿.

If you are going to be pregnant during flu season (November through February), your provider will likely strongly encourage that you get the flu vaccine. 的 流感及怀孕网页 of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that the risk of flu-associated acute respiratory infection in pregnant women is decreased by about one-half when they have received the vaccination (疾病预防控制中心.gov /流感).

  • 的 vaccine does 不 contain live virus and can不 give you the flu, 建议所有孕妇服用.
  • 的 nasal spray is a live/weakened form of the flu virus and should 怀孕期间服用.
  • 的 injectable vaccine can be given at any point in pregnancy.



Pregnant and postpartum women have a higher risk for more severe illness from 新型冠状病毒肺炎 than nonpregnant women. ACOG强烈建议接种疫苗 if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to get pregnant. 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗在怀孕期间是安全的, 不会给你新型冠状病毒肺炎,也不会影响你的基因或DNA. 的re is no evidence that 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗s cause infertility or have an impact on pregnancy.

重要的是 遵循当前的口罩指南 来自疾控中心. Mask guidelines may change based on how 新型冠状病毒肺炎 is affecting your community. 你可以 查一下你的县 on the CDC website to see the current guidelines for your area. Sometimes the CDC may recommend that everyone wears a face mask, or that people who are at high risk for severe illness consider wearing a face mask. Remember, when you are pregnant or postpartum, you are at higher risk for severe illness.

它是 仍然建议 that you wear a mask on public transit and in travel hubs such as airports or train stations. In health care settings, follow the guidelines of the health care facility. It may be a good idea to wear a mask even if it is 不 required, especially when 新型冠状病毒肺炎 is spreading at the same time as the flu.



允许: It’s okay to take medicine in many instances when you feel sick while pregnant. Check with your provider for details about appropriate medications for you. 注射流感疫苗也是安全的, 百日咳, 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 肝炎, 怀孕期间的肺炎和某些类型的脑膜炎. Three of these vaccines are recommended for all pregnant women:

  • 破伤风-白喉-百日咳(Tdap)疫苗
  • 流感疫苗
  • 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗

不允许: Certain vaccines should 不 be given during pregnancy because they contain live, attenuated viruses. Attenuated means that the virus has been weakened so that it can不 cause disease in a healthy person. 的 vaccines that women should 不 get during pregnancy include:

  • Live, attenuated flu vaccine given as a nasal spray (but the flu shot is safe)
  • 麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹(MMR)疫苗
  • 水痘疫苗



怀双胞胎, triplets or higher-order multiples may necessitate different nutritional requirements and types of delivery.



劳动是一系列连续不断的, progressive contractions of the uterus that lead to the delivery of your baby.



Your baby may be delivered vaginally or by a cesarean section, depending on your baby’s position and other medical factors determined by your health care provider.



