a young woman consults her physician at the office
a young woman consults her physician at the office
a young woman consults her physician at the office

Breast Pain: 10 Reasons Your Breasts May Hurt

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大多数女性或多或少都会经历某种形式的乳房疼痛. Breast pain is typically easy to treat, 但在更罕见的情况下,这可能是更严重问题的征兆.

Medical director of the Suburban Hospital Breast Center Pamela Wright, M.D., discusses the most common causes of breast pain (mastalgia), their treatments and when to see a doctor:

  1. Hormones are making your breasts sore.

    荷尔蒙波动是女性乳房疼痛的首要原因. 乳房在月经开始前3 - 5天开始疼痛,月经开始后疼痛就消失了. 这是由于月经前雌激素和黄体酮的上升. 这些激素会使你的乳房肿胀,并导致疼痛.

    “在经期前后乳房有压痛是正常的,” says Wright. “It’s nothing to worry about.”

    If you become pregnant, 在怀孕的前三个月,你的乳房可能会持续疼痛,因为荷尔蒙分泌会增加. 乳房胀痛是许多女性怀孕的最早迹象之一.

    Steps you can take to minimize sore breasts include:

    • Eliminate caffeine
    • Eat a low-fat diet
    • Reduce salt intake
    • Avoid smoking
    • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever
    • 询问你的医生是否更换避孕药或激素替代疗法药物会有帮助
  2. You have a breast injury.

    Like any part of your body, breasts can be injured. 这可能是由于意外事故、运动或乳房手术造成的. 在受伤的时候,你可能会感到一阵剧痛. 乳房外伤后,触痛可持续几天至几周. 如果疼痛没有改善,或者你注意到以下任何迹象,请去看医生:

    • Severe swelling
    • A lump in the breast
    • Redness and warmth, which could indicate an infection
    • A bruise on your breast that doesn’t go away
  3. Your breasts hurt due to an unsupportive bra.

    Without proper support, 在一天结束的时候,连接乳房和胸壁的韧带会变得过度拉伸和疼痛. The result is achy, sore breasts. This may be especially noticeable during exercise. 确保你的胸罩尺寸合适,并提供良好的支撑.

  4. Breast pain is really coming from your chest wall.

    乳房疼痛的感觉实际上可能来自你的胸壁. 这是包围和保护你的心脏和肺的肌肉、组织和骨骼区域. Common causes of chest wall pain include:

    • A pulled muscle
    • Inflammation around the ribs
    • Trauma to the chest wall (getting hit in the chest)
    • Bone fracture
  5. Breastfeeding is causing breast tenderness.

    母乳喂养有时会引起乳房疼痛. 在护理期间你可能会经历的一些事情包括:

    • 奶嘴不正确(婴儿吮吸奶嘴的方式)导致乳头疼痛。
    • 喂奶时的刺痛感(当乳汁开始流向婴儿时)
    • 由于被咬伤或皮肤干燥、开裂或感染而引起的乳头疼痛
    如果你在哺乳时感到疼痛,最好和你的医生或哺乳顾问谈谈. 他们可以帮助你解决问题,同时保持你的牛奶供应. 
  6. You have a breast infection.

    Breastfeeding women are most likely to get breast infections (mastitis), but they occasionally occur in other women, too. 如果你有乳房感染,你可能会发烧,并在一个乳房出现症状,包括:

    • Pain
    • Redness
    • Swelling

    如果你认为你可能有乳房感染,去看医生是很重要的. 治疗通常包括抗生素和止痛药.

  7. Breast pain could be a medication side effect.

    Some medications may cause breast pain as a side effect. 和你的医生谈谈你正在服用的药物,看看这是否适合你. Some drugs with this known side effect include:

    • Oxymethone, used to treat some forms of anemia
    • 氯丙嗪,用于治疗各种精神疾病
    • Water pills (diuretics), 增加排尿的药物,用于治疗肾病、心脏病和高血压
    • 激素治疗(避孕药、激素替代或不孕症治疗)
    • Digitalis, prescribed for heart failure
    • Methyldopa, used to treat high blood pressure
  8. You have a painful breast cyst.

    如果一个柔软的肿块突然出现在你的乳房,你可能有一个囊肿,赖特说. “这些充满液体的肿块并不危险,通常不需要治疗,因为它们可能会自行消退. 但是让医生对你的乳房肿块进行评估是很重要的.”

    To diagnose a cyst, your doctor may recommend a mammogram, ultrasound or aspiration (drawing fluid from the lump). Draining fluid from the cyst is also a form of treatment. 如果囊肿不麻烦,你可能根本不需要任何治疗.

    Learn more about breast cysts and other noncancerous breast lumps.
  9. 你正在经历隆胸带来的痛苦并发症. 

    有些女性隆胸会出现并发症,不管是硅胶还是生理盐水. 隆胸手术后最常见的疼痛原因之一是包膜挛缩, when scar tissue forms too tightly around implants. 乳房疼痛也可能表明你的一个植入物已经破裂. 和你的医生谈谈你感到的任何疼痛,确定是否与隆胸有关.
  10. Breast pain can sometimes be a sign of breast cancer.

    赖特说,乳腺癌引起疼痛是不寻常的,但并非不可能. Inflammatory breast cancer 通常会引起疼痛,但很罕见,在美国占乳腺癌病例的1%到5%. 这种侵袭性疾病的症状往往突然出现,进展迅速. 炎症性乳腺癌可能导致乳房变得:

    • Red or discolored
    • Swollen or heavy
    • Painful
    Skin on the breast may also thicken or dimple. 如果你担心炎症性乳腺癌,请立即去看医生. 

When to See a Doctor for Breast Pain

Although most cases of breast pain are minor problems, 和你的医生谈谈你的担忧是很重要的. “如果你有持续的乳房疼痛,你应该进行评估,”赖特说. “任何有肿块的人,无论疼痛与否,都应该去看医生检查,以确保没有问题。.”

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